Jim was Human Resources Director of a U.S. multinational company before embarking on a career in consulting. He has completed consulting assignments with blue chip companies in State and Public enterprises in Ireland......[read more]
Peter has an extensive background in International Sales and Marketing in the Consumer Brands Industry. He has widespread International experience, and has been located in Europe and Latin America leading local teams.......[read more]
Liam is a qualified accountant with over 29 years experience in multinational manufacturing companies in Ireland at a senior management level. Liam was the Financial Controller with full responsibility for Finance.....[read more]
Micheal has worked as an Industrial Engineer, Production Manager and Operations Director in a variety of Industrial sectors, from Food to Engineering Services and Construction. An Engineer by profession......[read more] |
Pat has an extensive and diverse background in Human Resources having operated at Board and senior level in major PLC’s and Small to Medium sizes enterprises, across a variety of industry sectors, from Financial Services (Fexco), Telecoms (Orange and Eircom) through to Licensed (Grand Metropolitan) and Retail (Ladbrokes)......[read more] |