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John Dunne
Non Executive Director TRANSITIONireland

John Dunne was appointed to the Board of IDA Ireland in January 2000 and has been Chairman since July 2000. IDA Ireland is the investment agency responsible for the promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Ireland.

Prior to becoming Chairman of IDA, he was Director General of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (I.B.E.C.). He was deeply involved in economic and social development in his role as Director General of I.B.E.C. He led private sector negotiations with the Government and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, and was a member of a number of Government Commissions. He was also a member of a number of national organisations: the National Economic and Social Council; the Central Review Committee and the Public Service Benchmarking Body. He also served on the Executive Committee of the International Organisation of Employers based in Geneva.

Mr Dunne is a member of the Board of the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland, and the Board of the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority (Financial Regulator). Additionally, he acts as a consultant on various assignments to companies both in the private and public sector. He was awarded a Degree of Doctor of Laws by the National University of Ireland in May 2001.
Copyright 2009 Transition Ireland
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